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6.8 - Review of Episode 8 of Gyeongseong Creature

Today, we’ll be discussing Episode 8 of Gyeongseong Creature, the hit K Drama on Netflix starring Park Seo-joon as Jang Tae-sang, Han So-hee as Yoon Chae-ok, Wi Ha-hun as Kwon Jun-taek, Kim Soo-hyun as Lady Maeda, Ji Woo as Myeong-ja, Jo Han-chul as Yoon Joon-won, and Kim Hae-sook as Nawol daek. We discuss:

  • How Jang Tae-sang was able to escape from Ongseong Hospital by getting the better of the Japanese soldier and holding up Lady Maeda to let him leave with her out of the hospital.

  • Lady Maeda’s motivations for nursing Jang Tae-sang back to health.

  • Lady Maeda calling Seishin, the creature, sensei or teacher.

  • Commissioner Ishikawa confronting his wife about what is happening at Ongseong Hospital and what she did to Akiko.

  • How we’re learning that Lady Maeda is the silent power behind what happens in Gyeongseong.

  • How Jang Tae-sang negotiated with Ishikawa for the release of the Bonjeong merchants.

  • How Mr. Gu was tortured and now we understand Mrs. Nawol’s warning about betraying your loved ones with faced with torture.

  • How Jang  Tae-sang and Yoon Chae-ok are reunited and their hug said so much.

  • How Jang Tae-sang and Yoon Chae-ok are able to steal a moment of happiness together while buying dumplings but it doesn’t last long.

  • How Myeong-ja has been on a killing spree through Gyeongseong and now Ishikawa knows she’s the murderer responsible for killing people and eating their brains.

  • How Yoon Joong-won, Yoon Chae-ok’s father, now knows what happened to his wife.

  • The K Drama elements in this episode, including: crying, lots of triangles involving Lady Maeda, Jang Tae-sang’s confession to Yoon Chae-ok, umbrella scene, and JTS pulling YCO out of the way of a speeding car when they’re chasing Myeong-ja.

  • What we think of the title of the episode: Awakening, between Justification and Excuse.

  • What happened to Unit 731 after the war.

  • The shows we’re watching now and the shows we’re considering for Season 7 of K Drama Chat!



K Drama Chat is a weekly podcast where we take one Korean (K) Drama each season and and recap and analyze each episode. K Drama Chat is available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify and Stitcher.


  1. First, thank you, Sung Hee, for recognizing that the K Drama element I was talking about was older actors playing their teenage self in flashbacks - even if they are in their forties! Basically, all they do is throw on a school uniform, pull their bangs over their forehead, and maybe add a sepia filter. Korean skin care takes care of the rest!

    I also love the points Joanna is making in this episode and the last about Jang Tae-sang deciding to become a headache for the Japanese and how this show is in many ways a headache for the Japanese - or at least some portion of the population that does not want to acknowledge the painful history of Japan's colonization and oppression of Korea and other parts of Asia. I'm sure Japan is a big market for Netflix and I imagine there were some discussions as to whether a show like this would alienate a part of that market. It was also a bit of a risk for the actors. You already talked about the backlash that Han So Hee got - although that was in part due to her posting about An Jung Geun and not just her appearing in the show. Here's an interesting article about some reactions to the show's depiction of the Japanese in the series.

    Stay tuned for my thoughts on shows for season seven!

    1. Thanks again for your comments. It's great to hear how you are receiving the show. I appreciate the reference to the article about the worldwide and Japanese response to GC. I do think that the show is instrumental in highlighting history that is not widely known about Japanese activities during WW2. In this age of global connectedness through media, an effective way to bring attention to these issues is by telling stories that people can relate to. Kdramas are doing a stellar job in this.

  2. Malcolm, thanks for the comment and he link. Yes, Sung See realized long before I did that you identified a common element of the actors playing their teenage selves! It's actually pretty amazing. These actors are sometimes decades older than their teenage selves but because of their amazing skin and skinny bodies, they can get away with it!

    Growing up in the Philippines, my family watched endless shows about WWII that depicted the cruelty of the Japanese. When I watch a show like Gyeongseong Creature, I realize that the issues from that time period are not gone nor fully processed. And perhaps they never will be.

    BTW, in episode 6.9, I worry that we've gotten a little too philosophical in this season. I wonder if the next season will be more lighthearted. What do you think?

    Thank you so very much for listening and for your comments. You feel like an old friend keeping us company!

    1. I don't think it's too philosophical. Frankly, I think the discussion about the overarching themes and history is more interesting than the show itself (it's not my favorite). If you want something more lighthearted you should take my suggestion and recap Singles Inferno! lol!

      I just finished Captivating the King, which I think you would love. Its got Jo Jung-suk from Hospital Playlist in an obviously different role. It also has Jang Young-nam as the Dowager Queen. She was the head nurse in Its Ok to Not Be Ok. I love her!

      And Sung-Hee really needs to watch Doctor Slump! Some of the crazy plot points are totally unnecessary because the actors are just so good. I'm finding I enjoy the K Dramas that are just about ordinary Koreans living their lives. No ghosts, goblins, magic, etc. If you can make a good K Drama without all the crazy plot lines I'm here for it!

  3. I agree that we got a lot out of the discussion of Gyeongseong Creature by getting into the history and philosophy behind the story.

    I'm almost done with Captivating the King (episode 15). It's taken me a while to get through it partly because the politics were confusing and partly because I was afraid that it was going to be too tragic. I LOVE Jo Jung-Seok in this role. I was a little doubtful at first, having only seen him in comic roles, but he really carried this off.

    I agree with you that I get a lot out of the shows that are about regular life. Some of my favorites are Reply 1988, Move to Heaven, My Mister, Prison Playbook, and Hospital Playlist. The emotions and relationships are so heartfelt, real, and touching.

    I will get around to Dr Slump after I finish Captivating the King. I'll have to see if I have to hold my nose about the medical stuff, so many shows get that wrong, though Hospital Playlist did a really good job.


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